Get-to-know The Team

Reiner Kraft, PhD
Reiner has more than 15+ years of experience leading high-impact technological organizations, both large and small, and has spent 20 years in Silicon Valley.
His passion for technology, research, and innovation made him a top inventor and innovator, recognized as a member of TR100 from the prestigious MIT Technology Review alongside other now-famous nominees, such as Larry Page (Google) and Jerry Yang (Yahoo).
As a trained computer scientist, Reiner got intrigued in the past 10 years about the combination of mind-management and biohacking to upgrade body and mind. He studied mindfulness, meditation, functional medicine, micronutrients, and epigenetics while working with subject experts in these fields. He applied these new concepts when building large-scale organizations at Zalando in Berlin.
Reiner is a certified Human Potential Coach (HPI), a member of Dave Asprey’s Upgrade Collective, a certified micronutrients coach (Biogena), and practices bioresonance methods (EAV) for the body's self-regulation analysis as well.

Bertram holds a degree in biomedical electronics from the Technische Universität Berlin. He worked as a hardware development engineer in medical testing technology, as a software expert in telecom network management and as a project manager in the telematic sector.
He completed a comprehensive biofeedback curriculum of the German Society for Biofeedback and got certified. Bertram also took part in numerous advanced training courses in biofeedback and neurofeedback in Europe and the USA with renowned experts (including Prof. Eric Peper, Prof. Joel Lubar, Prof. Robert Thatcher, Prof. Frederic Shaffer, Prof. Paul Lehrer, Prof. Donald Moss, Prof. Kuno Hottenroth).
Bertram has been the technology contact for the German Society for Biofeedback for 12 years ( He offers biofeedback, neurofeedback and neuromeditation in a psychotherapeutic praxis in Berlin.

Justus studied medicine at the Philipps-University in Marburg. His passion lies in understanding the human body to optimize wellbeing and performance. Parallel to his studies, he gathered knowledge about the applications of biohacking and functional medicine by working with different integrative doctors. Since the end of 2020, Justus works together with Marc Borchert (MD, expert in hormone health and mitochondrial medicine) in a 90 percent online private practice, where he does consultations with a few selected patients who want to reach optimal performance concerning their mental and physical health.

Tiara Suwarno
Tiara is responsible for giving overall support to the High-Performance Mind Labs, coordinating and managing the program schedule, guiding the interconnected projects within The Mindful Leader programs to success. In addition, she ensures the customers and teams are collaborating throughout the process to achieve the program goals.